Saturday, July 25, 2020

Google Hire Tells Us Were All in the HR Industry - Workology

Google Hire Tells Us Were All in the HR Industry - Workology Microsofts Acquisition of LinkedIn Forced Googles Entrance into HR Over the last six months, I have written about one emerging HR technology company the most, and its one that you wouldnt expect. That is Google. And since their last two announcements of Google for Jobs and  Google Cloud API, prior to the most recent launch of Google Hire I didnt want to write about the launch of their products or new services related to human resources. Its not just because seemingly everyone is writing about them, but because Im really over the products and technologies. You see, I talked in depth with Google a little over two years ago. No, I didnt sign an NDA. We discussed the industry. We talked about HR and recruiting technologies and apps that different sized organizations used. They told me they were expanding their Google for Work line of products in relation to their workplace Google Play store. Im not surprised they are launching an ATS or a new job search product that helps job seekers find work. Frankly, we needed these things 10 years ago. HR technolog y change moves at a snails pace. Microsofts Acquisition of LinkedIn Forced Googles Entrance into HR Googles launch of the three new products mentioned above happened because of Microsofts acquisition of LinkedIn. Google decided to jump into the human resources space to keep up with Microsoft and have access not just to customers but most importantly because of the data that these technologies will provide Google as they position themselves as a workplace technology provider that extends beyond email, file storage and digital advertising. If Google really wanted to make a splash, they would attack not just the small business market with their Google Suite products but go upstream. The majority of large companies do not use Gmail for their workplace email. The majority of companies  with more than 50 employees outside of Silicon Valley use Outlook email, and these businesses arent prepared to make a change. Imagine your 50 something CEO trying to use a new system like Gmail. They have a hard enough time using Outlook which took 5 years for them to master the ability to cancel and reschedule a meeting on the calendar. Companies greater than 50 employees might rely  on Googles Drive product for easy document storage but to really make a dent in the market, Google, in my opinion, didnt necessarily need to attack the HR market. What Google could have done is develop a project management tool that integrates with Gmail and a CRM but that would put Google not only competing with LinkedIn but also Salesforce which I guess to Google makes taking on the HR technology industry an easier task. What Google Doesnt Know About the Human Resources Industry and HR Technology Google I think is like many companies I talk with who are entering the HR technology industry. They dont understand the complexities of the market especially the HR compliance side of an ATS. Its not just simply a hiring software that integrates with email and a calendar. While buyers in most cases under 50 employees will be the CEO or CFO, once human resources or recruiting are involved in the decision and setting up procedures, its a much harder sell from that standpoint. They are more decision makers, influencers, and buyers at stake. There are a lot of strong players in the SMB (small to medium business) ATS market right now which include companies like Smartrecruiters, Lever, Greenhouse, Jobvite, Workable and Comeet. If Googles goal isnt to really help the hiring process, then they are doing just fine. Its just another option for small businesses to choose from. Afterall, Googles goal is simply a data play. Its just another option that makes it convenient, but its not really solving the bigger problem of hiring great talent and eliminating the hiring bottleneck that happens when you add in other collaborators, changing business targets and the people who are driving the business. I do not think that Google Hire will be able to move beyond employees over 50 and snag that data if they are going to require that employers only be GSuite customers. Im also certain that they are limited to this because Microsoft is making this difficult and they are blocking giving them API or access to calendars or data. As a Google Suite product user like myself has to operate in both worlds, and I tell you I feel the pain every day. Many of my clients and friends are on Outlook. I use Google and the calendars dont work together at all. Emails dont always sort correctly between the two different providers. The only benefit to signing with Google Hire would be increased search engine optimization which I dont know is enough for employers when Google doesnt provide a collaborative hiring and compliance platform that has robust features like those mentioned above and is willing to provide support to its customers beyond email. This is my biggest beef with Google as it takes an act o f God to actually talk to a real person about anything. Googles Foray Into HR Technology Legititimizes HR Googles launch into human resources shines a spotlight on the importance of the role of human resources in an organization. And for that I am glad. Those of us who have worked and invested in this industry have done so because we are aware of the value that HR brings. Will Google succeed? Im not certain, but Im glad that we, meaning HR is the topic of conversation. Its time for us to be in the spotlight and for that Im grateful.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Academic Cover Letter

Scholarly Cover Letter Scholarly Cover Letter At the point when you are composing a scholastic introductory letter, the typical arrangement will change a tad. Composing an introductory letter for any scholarly position is marginally not quite the same as other non-scholastic positions. What To Include In Your Academic Cover Letter Despite the fact that your introductory letter ought to follow a similar essential arrangement, its length will get changed. Fundamentally, non-scholarly occupation profile solicit to be unmistakable from what you remember for your introductory letter. Be that as it may, scholarly occupations need you to be as definite as conceivable about your scholastic advancement up until now. Along these lines, as opposed to the commonplace one-page group, you have to compose in any event two pages to incorporate all the vital data. These individuals are commonly more keen on your working way of thinking than your aptitudes. They are the ones who will check you foundation altogether before choosing you. In this way, try to underscore on the catchphrases they look for and persuade them you are an ideal fit to their association. Incorporate any honors or acknowledgment you have gotten so far alongside your arrangements for what's to come. Tailor your letter as indicated by desires for the foundation you are applying for. On the off chance that you have something right now missing in the employees, make them mindful of the reality. In the event that you can lead another task or offer some assistance to a current one, notice this reality. You can likewise check Volunteering Cover Letter

Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Answer why You Want This Job

Step by step instructions to Answer why You Want This Job Occupation searchers will in general hear a ton of similar inquiries: What are your qualities? What are your shortcomings? For what reason would you like to leave your ebb and flow position? Preparing for these is simple, in light of the fact that the appropriate responses aren't probably going to change from meeting to meet. Make sense of good reactions, and you're set. Questions that attention on a solitary business are likewise normal, yet they need greater turn of events. At the point when you're asked, For what reason do you need this activity?, the questioner is keen on how a specific activity â€" this one, directly at this very moment â€" meets your objectives. The inquiry gives a window into how you see yourself fitting into the specific group. Despite the fact that you need to focus on a particular crowd each time you answer this inquiry, following an arrangement makes it simpler to get ready, particularly in the event that you foresee various meetings. Customize It You score focuses in a meeting on the off chance that you show you're intrigued enough with regards to the situation to do some exploration. In a review, practically 50% of managers said that they rapidly take out employment applicants who don't think a lot about the organization. Organization information bolsters each other piece of your answer. It's simpler to think of a reaction when you have something cement to specify: You don't need to depend on sweeping statements or suspicions. Planning shouldn't be tedious. Concentrate on features from the organization's site, or ask a representative a couple of pointed inquiries (a long time before the meeting, obviously, so you have the opportunity to coordinate the data). Siphon You Up Your answer must be distinctive each time you're posed this inquiry. It's not tied in with getting a compensation, working in your degree field or loving the geographic area. Forthcoming bosses need to hear why they request to you. It's not honeyed words time. You don't need to tell a questioner how astounding the organization is â€" she works there, so she definitely knows. Give points of interest about the position, yet do it such that features your training, experience and energy for the work. Match your experience and abilities to the requirements of the position. Express your excitement for both the particular occupation and friends. Don't simply discuss how much fun it'll be for you. Clarify how your unmistakable fascination will profit the business. Utilize the inquiry concerning the organization to fortify your wonder. This is the chance to exhibit why you're at the leader of the class. Get Schooled Managers realize that laborers who are offered chances to learn at work are bound to stay. They additionally prefer to see that you're willing to learn, so sell yourself as a long lasting student. Examine the position, and consider how it will assist you with growing expertly. Regardless of whether you've accomplished comparable work previously, what's diverse about this particular chance? The size of the organization? The assorted variety of the staff? Maybe you'll have the option to develop an expertise you've just addressed previously. At interviews, you're attempting to make them need you and demonstrating the amount you need them. Businesses like the affirmation that they have something to give, as well. Look Ahead Some portion of your reaction ought to show how you think the position fits into your drawn out objectives. This shows the business that you're anticipating waiting. Putting resources into workers is consistently a hazard. On the off chance that they don't put down roots, a ton of time and cash has been squandered. An excess of turnover is impeding to an organization, so signal you need to stay. Around 250 occupation searchers send resumes for each corporate employment opportunity. Managers need to be certain they'll get somebody who'll remain and help develop the organization. Consolidate your objectives for both yourself and the organization in your reaction. Maintain a strategic distance from Certain Topics Obviously you'll be paid on the off chance that you land the position. The business doesn't have to realize that the compensation and extraordinary advantages bundle are reasons you're keen on the position. On the off chance that something abandons saying, don't state it. Moreover, the questioner wouldn't like to realize it'll be a superior drive for you. He additionally couldn't care less in case you're frantic for the activity… or any activity. It truly doesn't make a difference on the off chance that you love the hours, either. Despite the fact that compensation, work-life equalization and driving separation are among the main five contemplations for taking a vocation, that is your rundown, not the interviewer's. Your answer should show how both business and worker would increase through the merger. In spite of how the inquiry is worded, it's not about you. What's your opinion of this inquiry? Offer your contemplations and tips in the remarks! While you're here, be certain to subscribe to the PC newsletter for all the most recent news and tips!

Friday, July 3, 2020

6 Things You Deserve In Your Career - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

6 Things You Deserve In Your Career - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Regardless of the stigma around “work isn’t supposed to be fun”, you should, however, enjoy what you do. Youre most likely not going to love every single day, and there are going to be some things you wish to change about it at times, but that’s normal. There is no such thing as the perfect job, but you do deserve some bare essentials when it comes to your work. Weve made a list: A Supportive Environment This may be a given, however, it needs to be stated. You deserve to be in an office environment where you feel supported, and most importantly safe. If you are feeling like you have to be someone you’re not, or you don’t feel supported at work, it’s OK to want to change your surroundings. There is nothing more empowering than feeling encouraged and supported by your boss, manager, and co-workers, and you deserve that! Company culture is ever becoming more and more important to employees. So make sure you feel supported at work. The Opportunity to Grow When you learn and grow your company grows. The more they invest in you and your skills and knowledge, the more the company benefits. You deserve the training, and equipment to successfully complete your job. Professional development is how you continue to bring value to the company, so if you’re feeling like you’re being restricted or prevented from doing so, speak up. If its something you intentionally are not getting that is out of your control, it may be time to rethink your current situation. Respect Of Out of Office Time Although your work is a big part of your life, when you take time off â€" that time is off. Your employer and coworkers should respect when you are away, have a family emergency, or out of office. So if you take that time, and you are still feeling pressured to answer emails or be available 24/7, its time to create those boundaries. Benefits Getting a reasonable amount of benefits, such as vacation time, personal and sick time is not asking for anything out of the norm. More and more employees are employing with companies that offer great benefits. Although you may not get as much time as current employees when you first start out, wanting a decent amount of vacation time, is not expecting too much. Appreciation Regardless of you getting paid to be there, there is a need for your position and it is your duty to fill it. Therefore youre desired and your position serves a purpose. From the front desk receptionist to the customer service representative, to a manager. Each position plays a small role in making up up the company. Therefore you want to feel respected and that your contribution is acknowledged. Of course, if you are PERFORMING well. If it’s a lack of effort on your part, then you may need some self-evaluation, but if you are doing a great job at your job- you should feel appreciated in being there. Fulfillment Yes, it’s a job. Yes, you are going to have blah days. But at the end of the day, you want to feel fulfilled in what you do. Job satisfaction is just as important as job performance. If you enjoy what you do, you’re happier, you work harder, your company does better and it’s a win for everyone. So don’t forget to add this one to the list of things you deserve at your job. If you don’t have fulfillment, do some digging and see how you can address that. But you deserve to feel fulfilled when a LOT of the hours in your day, is spent working. Do you feel that you receive/have these essentials at your job? Our very own President and CEO, Renee Walrath was interviewed by the Times Union for Women@Work to share her feedback on how to apply your skills after making a long-term career change! Check it out, here!